Our Mission

It is our mission to support any individual or group in or near the community of Hutchinson making forward strides in the work of social justice. We strive to help build a platform and hand over the microphone to amplify the voices of those at the center of pain. Our voices are by no means the most important, nor the most informed. We endeavor to be ever-learning, ever-loving, ever-building up in this journey for change in our community.


We strive to help communities come together to build coalitions for justice. We promote inclusion and a celebration of differences.


How we got started

Hutch In Harmony is a community project we began in August of 2017.  When the terror and heartache of Charlottesville shook the nation, we wanted to express our horror, our sorrow, our absolute commitment to standing against such hatred, violence, and prejudice. So we gathered other members of the community to organize #HutchAgainstHate, a candlelight vigil.

We didn’t know our work wouldn’t end there. So many people seemed to need that vigil, and still so much more. So we began digging in and began this community project to support and help organize more events, coalitions, adaptive problem solving, and forward momentum that brings our community together against hate, racism, and prejudice. We hope to shine a light on the hurting, the lonely, the scared; to treasure the unique history of this community that has been historically neglected or ignored.

yes, but who are we?

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Together, we are Hutch In Harmony. a group of women out to change the world!