Meet Our Board


Esmeralda Tovar-Mora


This work is an intersectional effort to empower broad-based power building in our community. I firmly believe that everyone has a right to access and should not be denied their inherent rights as human beings. As Desmund Tutu stated, "My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together."

Lara Crow

Legal Advisor

Kansas has a rich history of social justice. And Kansans have a deep-seated belief in individual freedom and strong live and let live attitudes. With these principles in mind, Kansans also know that freedom is not free. Through Hutch in Harmony, we are developing an intersectional coalition bringing all members of the community together for a stronger, richer today and tomorrow and to be a sentinel to ensure we as a State and a local community continue to live up to our national values of “Liberty and justice for all.”

Miriam B. Khan-Kitson

Vice President

I work for justice and equity because I want my child, my neighbor, my community to thrive and I believe deeply that will never happen in a community or society that through ignorance or malice denies people their inherent human rights through access, voice, and dignity. We are better together and we must work for it.

Sara Crow

Director of Funding and Outreach

I work with Hutch in Harmony because I believe deeply in the fact that all people have unique gifts and experiences. All those gifts are essential to a productive and healthy community and they should be treasured. I want to help create and build a community where all families can exist in safety and, hopefully, in an atmosphere that values them for the contributions they can bring to enrich the place they've chosen to spread their roots.

Natasha Russell-Iverson

Activism Advisor

With Hutch in Harmony, I have found a group of individuals who are as dedicated to social justice as I have always been, and who are as equally motivated by love. Examining the things we say we believe, we are determined to help make a difference, acting locally while envisioning globally the greater good for all.

Carmon Roberts-Agee

Member At Large

I am passionate about Hutch In harmony in their promotion and dedication to assist others in enhancing and improving individuals challenges and struggles. Hutch in Harmony and I share the same mindset in promoting unity and engaging in community partnerships to improve the collaboration to assist all people. I have been involved in my community since 1987 and have worked as a licensed social worker with the state of Kansas, sit on various boards and developed workshops and programs over the years and want to offer any skills that I have to assist in the organization’s success and outcomes!