Archive - What's Next - November 15th, 2017
This post was originally made November 15th of 2017 on our original wordpress.
The Unity Service is about a week shy of one month ago. Isn’t that just crazy? Time is flying, my friends.
For a first event, we feel so luck to have been a part of it. It was a wonderful evening of varied and wonderful music and some great, no-holds-barred discussion on racial discrimination and the church’s role in that. There are hopes of making it an annual event! With some 57 churches in Hutchinson, that’s a conversation that definitely needs to continue.
So, now that we’ve had our first official event as an organization, the question is, ‘What’s Next?’ While our first event was a Christian one, and one we were happy to be a part of, it was our first event because that was the community that first reached out to us, before we really even had our ducks in a row for this thing. We were thrilled to be a part of Unity In Diversity, but we do want to make sure we are an organization for all of Hutchinson regardless of Race, Religion, Orientation, etc.
We want inclusion and the breaking down of barriers and prejudice for all who feel marginalized, ignored, lost, discriminated against, alone here in Hutch.
So tell us.
What do you need? What do you want? Tell us What’s Next?
We do have a few ideas…
We’ve already got Story Saturday up and running. Do you know someone that we should talk to? Or are you someone who has a story you want to tell? Send us a message!
We’re starting a monthly Book Club that will focus on those marginalized groups. Do you have a book you think we should read? Shoot us a link to it! Or just leave a comment!
We’re in the early planning stages of a discussion panel… What do you want discussed?
But we want more. We want to serve and support you all better.
Please. Let’s do this thing together. Walk this path with us. What would make you feel included? What would make you feel connected? Where do you see need?
Now is a chance to speak and know… Someone is listening. Someone cares.