Archive - Unity in Diversity, the ball is rolling! - October 15, 2017

This post was originally made october 15th of 2017 on our original wordpress.

Well, we have had a whirlwind these last few weeks and we couldn't be happier! We've been asked to be involved in our first event, we set up a Website, a Facebook page, an Instagram and Twitter, and we did a photo shoot! It all feels very official. We may even get business cards!

A photo of Miriam and Rebecca walking down Main Street Hutchinson, Ks.

Really, we're just so so so very happy to be able to lend our hands to this work of making a difference in our very own community. When overwhelmed with the question of "How can I possibly change the world? How can I make a difference in this big, wide, scary world?" The answer came, "Start at home." Make a difference here. And that is what we hope to do. Oh, we hope hope hope!

And the biggest news for us is WE HAVE AN EVENT!!!! Someone else wants to make a difference too and they want us to be involved!!!! AHHHH!!!!

Cue me dancing around the house, swinging my son wildly along with me (not too wildly, I promise- a safe level of wildly), barefoot and in pajamas, just so excited that other people are picking up the mantle and working on prejudice and strife in our community! Be still my heart! It doesn't end after the vigil! We are doing this together!!!

Does anyone else feel like party hats are in order?

A golden retriever dog in a blue party hat, with confetti.

Whew! Let me bring it in, pull myself together, so I can tell you about this event.

It is called Unity in Diversity. It's being hosted by The First United Methodist Church of Hutchinson (across the street from the post office).  6pm, on Sunday, October 22nd, be there, or be square ;)

An image of the empty sanctuary of the First United Methodist Church of Hutchinson, Ks.

It is a Christian worship service, featuring a diverse (in race, denomination, and style) of musicians, choirs, bands, and speakers. The service was built around the verse of Psalms 133:1 "Behold, how good and pleasant it is to dwell together in unity!" And as such, the speakers will be addressing the importance of the promoting unity and love, fighting prejudice and hate, and the important role the church should hold in this sacred charge.

It is to be a brief service, little more than an hour, family friendly and though primarily a Christian service, open to all who want to attend.

We hope this is only the beginning of seeing the church, such a community cornerstone here in Hutchinson, come together, leaving denomination at the door (as Keith Williams, one of the organizers, said), to join the front lines of the battle against hatred, division, and racism here in our community.

Post written by Miriam Kitson

Post written by

Miriam Bebe Khan-Kitson

Miriam Kitson